If you go back to shootings like the V-Tech shooter & the Colombine shootings and start researching the details behind these shootings, you will start to notice a pattern. These people are usually categorized as "loners" or "kept to themselves", "nice, but quiet, shy", "extremely smart". Then later, they will catergorize these people as "crazy" or "nuts". "They have mental problems". They leave it at that. Some person just went "crazy" and decided to shoot someone or some people. Sometimes they even commit suicide.
But why is this? It's a mind control technique making these subjects "sleeper assassins". Basically, you need to research mind control, and the mind control programs the government has been conducting. Project Open Eyes, and Project Paperclip are two good places to start. So, they take a person at a young age--usually this starts in infancy--and torture the person until they become traumatized to the point that they dissociate from their core self and split into a different personality to escape the pain of the torture. This is done repeatedly, causing the person to have many different personalities and some personalities can have demons attached. Each personality is meant to do something different, and this causes the core personality to "lose time" or become amnesiac to where they can't remember what one of their other personalities had done, or where they were, anything.
Some personalities are sleepers. They become triggered--whether by something on TV, a phone call from their handler, or a song on the radio, etc. and they go and do the thing they were programmed to do. Such as in the cases of Jared Loughner, and Colorado shooter, James Holmes, they were programmed to shoot someone.
If you just look at the photos of James Holmes sitting in court, you can tell he's out of it. He's been drugged and they can control him better this way. Also, a lot of people think it's not the same person by comparing the old picture of him with photos of him in court. Those with DID (dissacociative disorder or MPD) their facial features can change as they are in different personalities.
The link I will put up is a little background on sleepers and triggers used to trigger the person.
Here's another good link: Sleepers Among Us.
A good book to read is by author Russ Dizdar titled "The Black Awakening". It's a must-read for those who want to know more about this subject. Link
Know that they want to control us, and take away our right to bear arms. That's the whole idea behind these shootings, is to control you with fear--fear that guns are the problem and that we need to give up our right to have guns.
And what's crazy is, DHS has ordered 450million rounds of .40 caliber bullets. Wake up, recognize what they are doing to us.