The Beginning of My ResearchI decided to make a blog exposing the New World Order. I have a group on you can visit here. (Moms Against the New World Order.)
My grandmother and my mom did a lot of research into the NWO back in the 70's and warned a lot of people about it. But little did I know they had only just scratched the surface.....
About a year ago (in 2009), after I had my second child, I was sitting at my computer one day when something told me to research the NWO. I typed it into the search engine, and nothing really came up that made me want to delve into it; and my kids needed attention, so I decided I would come back to it later. One of the days following this, it came into my mind to research it again. I still didn't find anything that really got my attention. The third time I decided to research it, a thought came to mind about searching "Obama & Antichrist". I found some videos on Youtube about Obama which led to me finding videos about the NWO.
Some of the first videos and articles I found were about the false "left-right paradigm". This is about how the Republicans and Democrats are really controlled by a group called the Illumanati, and are putting on a facade to fool Americans and are puppets being used by the Illumanati to bring about the NWO.
And my research has led me to uncover a lot of secrets such as CIA mind control (MK Ultra, Project Paperclip, etc); 9/11 Truth, the Illumanati.
In my blog, I hope to share info on all these topics to raise awareness and to wake up people to what is really going on in the world, and how we should prepare for it.
My Background
I grew up in the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ, and am still a member. I am really blessed to have been born into this faith. I grew up with the Bible, Book of Mormon, and Doctrine & Covenants. My grandma and mom were stalwarts in the faith, and lived their lives as examples to me and were very strong women who I miss dearly each and every day.