Friday, May 15, 2020

The Agenda Behind Mayor Quinton Lucas' 10-10-10 Plan

Interestingly, the mayor of Kansas City has a ‘10-10-10’ plan. 10 ties into the male and female, X & O, Antichrist, Isis & Osiris (Egyptian gods), Androgony (ie: the male and female combined. Notice how many famous people look transgender? This is the combining of the X & the O.)
On one of the pictures below: Note the theme of the ouroboros or infinity : 10 is the number from which all things come, and all must return.
Also note the article mentions “peace”... meaning the false peace the Bible talks about.
Daniel 8:25 And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many; he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand.
Ezekiel 7:25 Destruction cometh; and they shall seek peace, and there shall be none.
Add the three “1’s” together and you get 3, which is half of 6 (666=Mark of the Beast).

Daniel 7:20 And of the ten horns that were in his head, and of the other which came up, and before whom three fell; even of that horn that had eyes, and a mouth that spake very great things, whose look was more stout than his fellows.

Sunday, May 10, 2020

The New Normal

I should have written this last month, but I've put it off. This new normal so to speak, is just their clever way of spinning the beginning stages of the NWO. They don't want resistance or rebellion. They want compliance and control over the population. They know there are 99% of us, and only 1% of them. And by "them", I mean the "powers that shouldn't be".

I want to bring your attention to the fact that they were able to shut down churches in the U.S. In my church, the pastor was deathly afraid of being arrested if the membership wanted him to stay open. He was also afraid of arming ourselves to defend our Constitutional rights to assemble together. You should have seen how big his eyes grew when I mentioned that as one of our options.

I have never seen so many people, families, etc. divided since Trump was selected. And again this time, we were even more divided because of the scamdemic.

In my situation and experience in the past few months, it has come down to dividing us into two groups, basically: the people who trust government, and are willing to give up their rights for a false sense of security and protection, and those who see this as an encroachment of our basic human rights and Constitutional rights and freedoms, and who are standing up and voicing that this is extremely wrong!

Well, let me tell you, my experience from April 1, 2020, was very eye-opening for me, and has caused me to have an even greater faith, and I feel as though I've grown spiritually from this ordeal. I don't believe this is over. I feel as though things are just going to get worse from here on out. Especially for those of us who are Christians.

I went to prayer service on Wednesday, April 1, 2020. The pastor announced they would have a discussion afterward, as to what they were going to do for the county guidelines that were put into place that day.

I stood up and gave my testimony of how God woke me up a decade or so ago to the Gadianton Robbers, and the NWO. I told them of the Scripture from Doctrine & Covenants 38, how we hear of wars in far countries, but we know not the hearts of men in our own country. By the time I was done, the pastor looked very uncomfortable, and I could tell that nearly everyone disagreed with me.

Afterwards, they all started discussing that we should close down, and think about doing services via Skype or Xoom. I told them we had two options the way I looked at it: keep church open, and since Missouri is a Constitutional carry state, we should carry and protect our church and property if anyone came to shut us down (to which suggestion was adamantly shot down. Pun intended.) I said well, we have another option, and that would be for every member to meet at a designated church member's home.

But you wouldn't believe how many people were/are afraid of getting said beer virus, that no one listened to me. I told them God isn't happy with us shutting down, and asked who would stand up for Jesus? {crickets chirping} Then, someone who I considered a friend, and is an elder in the church, turned against me, and said church is only a building.

If it was just a building, then why dedicate it, and sanctify it for the purpose of worshipping the Most High there? If it was just a building, whey are there several Scriptures commanding us to meet together?

Also, no one thought these rules and regulations were unconstitutional. They said that these stupid regulations trumped the Constitution. Oh, really?! Since when?!?

I am, as a Christian, very saddened, upset, and disgusted with many of my fellow Christians, no matter what denomination they belong to. It's unbelievable how many would rather just do what Big Daddy Government tells them to do. They'd rather stay home, watch Netflix, and do nothing. We should be spreading the Gospel, warning others, and telling people to repent. I feel like many of us failed this test. And the lack of discernment is APPALLING.

I refuse to be a part of the Satanic ritual that is Covid19/Coronavirus, where the sheeple would gladly social distance themselves 6 feet (notice how a lot of 6's have been mentioned during the past couple of months? Microsoft's patent 060606, social distance 6 feet, and H.R. Bill 6666??? Think that's all just a coincidence???) So as I was saying, I refuse to take part in a mass Satanic ritual, of isolation, wearing masks, and coming out the other side of this inducted into the Beast System.

As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.