Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The Antichrist

I have a lot of info on this subject. But for now, I will post something that Fritz Springmeier wrote about him. Very interesting/necessary info we all should know and be aware of!

F. The Anti-Christ Chief handler/programmer
(1) The AntiChrist will have both public and private lives. The two will not be the same. Deep in the heart of the AntiChrist he will want to rob, kill, and destroy.
(2) He will be a man of war, but his public image will be that he is a man of peace.
(3) He will be a winner. The public always likes a winner. This will be a man with a hardened heart, but a man of charisma.
(4) Charisma has been noted to develop when a person is a foreigner (novel) and has some feature that causes people to feel sorry for the person --some wound or physical defect (like Gorbachev's red splotch on his head). The AntiChrist will have the public appearance of being a genius, not only a wizard of words, but a commercial genius, a military genius, a diplomat of the highest order, a leader, and an intelligent good looking man.
(5) However, this is the public image. Some of this will be created by Madison avenue techniques. He will be fearless,
(6) a skilled negotiator, a poker face who is capable of crafty deception. In fact deception characterizes the man.  He is Satan in human flesh,
(7) who will use religion for evil. He will use good for evil.
(8) His lineage is from several directions. He may have Hittite blood,
(9) blood from the Tribe of Dan, 
(10) and blood from Assyria . 
(11) He may also claim to have Egyptian royal blood. 
(12) He will be proclaimed the returning messiah for the Buddhists, the Islamic religion, the New Agers, the Christians, etc. Inman Mahdi, the Messiah. etc.
(13) However, the group of people who he will be most connected to, will be the Jews.
(14) His sphere of influence will not just be jews, but he will reinstitute blood sacrifices in the Temple in Jerusalem . 
(15) This may well be the abomination of desolation that the Word of God warns about. 
(16) The AntiChrist will arise on the scene like a thief in the night 
 (17) and will surprise people by his rise to fame. He will come from obscurity --
(18) but he will have all the correct credentials 
(19), and bloodlines. 
(20) All the correct occult signs will occur around this individual.
(21) Because of historical precedence, we know that chaos and confusion will set the stage for the grand entrance of this man onto the stage of public attention. 
(22)Problems will be created, so that this great man can pull mankind out of the worst disasters. The world will be trauma-bonded with him.
(23) He will be a savior saving mankind from extinction and death.
(24) However, while he promises and provides a new life for humankind, he is actually a merchant of spiritual death.
(24) The eternal fate of individuals is determined by how they respond to him.
(25) A remnant of true believers will endure to the end
(26), but many will succumb to the deception.
(27) The AntiChrist will not have to face a hostile church--the church will be in apostasy and will accept him.
(28) The AntiChrist will have to face a few John the Baptist types, who he will use his guillotines on.
(29) In other words, the AntiChrist will not be antagonistic toward the church--but he will subtly destroy it and cause it to serve only him. He will disregard the true law of God
(30)--the spirit of the law, but he will be a legalist, who wants law and order
(31). He will have both a False Prophet and another close friend the Beast.
(32) The daily blood sacrifices will become the global correct view, and Christians who oppose these sacrifices will be in trouble.
(33) All the trappings of Rabbinic and Talmudic and Cabalistic Judaism will be revived and flourish.
(34) He will pretend to be like Christ--he will be compared to Christ in the media--but he will also be opposed in reality to everything Christ stands for. As so many Satanic cult leaders do, and as is standard within Illuminati rituals--the AntiChrist will be killed and brought back to life.
(35) This simulated death will be done in front of the public, and this will give him the appearance of superhuman strength and divine favor--for being able to receive a deadly wound and then to heal and revive so quickly. Jerusalem will be the religious capital of the New World Order 
 (36)--but there is reason to believe that there will also be both a political and an economic capital, and a computer and a police center. (37) There will probably be 3 public capitals and many other centers 
(38) Just as during the Roman Empire there were many religious centers, such as Ephesus was the spiritual center for Diana worship being one of the 7 wonders of the Ancient world. Mt. Olympus in Greece was a sacred mountain in ancient times, with sites for consultations with the Oracles. In modern AntiChrist times, Glastonbury, UK and Mt. Shasta, CA may serve as spiritual centers. The New Age pilgrimages to Mt. Shasta which are covers for the mind control done there may well continue to serve that same function in the AntiChrist's reign.
(39) Rome or London could become political capitals. An economic capital could be established almost anywhere. The computers are already being centered in Europe. Once he has taken power, he can enter into Jerusalem like a hero, triumphantly.
(40) He will command universal worship via the technological advances that have been made in communication. All the spirits of evil will collect themselves in this one person of evil. He will be shrewd, and will be able to understand dark evil things. He will do things according to his own will. At least some outside of the inner circle will know that he is homosexual, (and bi-sexual).
(41) He will have the full force of the world's system behind him, trying to make him look better. He may be born in the Middle East --perhaps in Pakistan like Lord Maitreya (Rahmat Ahmad).
(42) Historically, Satan's AntiChrist spirit has captured a number of men.
(43) For instance, Antiochus IV Epiphanes, Caligula, Nero, Ghulam Alimad and Hitler.
However, these have been only partial manifestations. Satan working through secret Satanists such as Karl Marx set up Communism. In Russia, Marx, Engels and Lenin were made into a Father, Son and Holy Spirit triad. The picture of the 3 was prominently displayed all over Russia. Lenin was created into a Christ like figure. (The extent of how much communism substituted these men for the trinity hasn't been covered by the controlled Western media.)
The men of this false godhood were given the attributes in Russia of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit by state propaganda.  I mention all these things, because again this was a partial manifestation of the AntiChrist spirit along with the Beast and the False Prophet. Those who would understand how the AntiChrist will act in public, need to study Machiavelli, Hitler, Antiochus IV Epiphanes, Lenin, and the many other partial manifestations of the AntiChrist spirit, such as the Popes.
Most Reformation reformers and early American puritan leaders regarded the Pope as the AntiChrist. He certainly has often been a good example.  The private life of the AntiChrist will be very identical to other Illuminati kingpins. He will participate in Illuminati rituals. He has already been presented to Illuminati councils for approval. All the Mothers of Darkness will serve him as brides, as well as an inner body guard. Like Faust, and everyone else in the Illuminati, the AntiChrist has made many covenants, oaths, and vows to Satan himself. He has been taught that he is a god man. In public, he will proclaim himself divine.  In private, he will consider Satan to be his own god.
He will strive to do the best job for Satan possible, because he has been taught that he will rule with Satan in hell, and his position in hell will be determined by how good he does his job now. He will be totally turned over to Satan, the Father of all lies. He will feast on the blood of sacrificed individuals, and may well be addicted to drinking blood, like Vice-Pres. Al Gore is.
(44) Those who do not have a love for the truth, will come under the spell of the AntiChrist's deception which will be flooded over the television screens, and through the controlled media.
(45) He will push all the correct buttons verbally when he speaks, and he will even flatter people. 
(46) He will be the world's tyrannical but much loved dictator, a father figure.
(47) The AntiChrist will be working on creating supermen , the genetic wonder man that Hitler was working to create. Instead of using God's approach to perfection, the AntiChrist will have the most superior genetic approach so far. In other words, to the public with their warped thinking, he will look like he is improving the human race genetically, and in every other way too.
The Illuminati are planning to install him as Lord over the earth around the year 2000. Occultists (incl. known Satanic leaders) have been prophesying his coming. Hollywood under the direction and financing of the Illuminati have given us the Damien series and other films on the AntiChrist. David Bauer, a psychic adviser and Baptist minister, has prophesied that the AntiChrist will come in the year 2000. Jean Dixon, who has connections to the Illuminati has prophesied this too. So has the English astrologer Edwin Lyndoe. They declare that this leader will be a savior of mankind. Jeanne Dixon went so far as to say that the AntiChrist was born on Feb. 5, 1962. (See Dixon, J. My Life and Prophecies. Fred. Miller, 1971.)  The witch Sybil Leek even pointed to a son of a Jerusalem dentist. David Morris as being the man. (Leek. S. Reincarnation: the Second Chance. NY: Stein & Day, 1974).
All kinds of people are pointing at the year 2000. Occult prophecies about the year 2000 come from Irene Hughes, Alan Vaughn, Edgar Cayce, Kenneth Odhar and many others. De Sabrato an occult prophet believes Christ will return in 2003 in the form of an ET Christ. However, if plans fall apart there are indications that the AntiChrist could arrive later in the 21st century. Henry Kissinger said, "We are going to have a New World Order, if not in this generation, then in the next."
One of the men who worked high up in the New World Order. and who had inside information felt that the AntiChrist wouldn't rule until 2047 and that he would be born in New York City and have blond hair and blue eyes.  From what the Lord has shown this author, and taking into account the vulnerabilities of the Illuminati's plans, this author would state that the AntiChrist may not arrive until quite a few years from now. On the other hand, there are already candidates who have been presented before the Illuminati councils who are candidates to become the AntiChrist. 
The primary candidate for the position of AntiChrist is being kept in a heavily guarded small town near London. Only those who are summoned by him enter into the room where he is located. Individuals who come into his presence immediately want to worship him. He is a Rothschild. 
The mother of either the NWO's John position or the Christ position was S. E. D. [name may be available on request from Fritz Springmeier] and his name is Alexander Rothschild, Jr. The name Alexander is very important to the Illuminati. Baron Rothschild passed on his spiritual power when he was ritually murdered in 1976. This Rothschild AntiChrist is known as the Son of Apollo.
(48) From a reliable source close to Lord Maitreya. he is Jewish. The Illuminati have a Mary position, also known as the Madonna position, which are women that are closely connected to the AntiChrist. Within the last few years, all the Madonna-position systems united in ritual in London, Frankfurt, Austria, and Switzerland. The name Queen of Heaven (Seriramis) is also applied to high level women close to the AntiChrist.
Programmed multiples, who rise above the Grande Dame level, enter levels designated by a. b, c & d. Guinevere, the name of King Arthur's wife & Lancelot's mistress, designates one of the positions of the 4-female Illuminati teams around the AntiChrist. It is written Gennifer for English speaking systems.
(49) Prior to the AntiChrist 2 witnesses are to come to which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt. REV 11:8. In the past, God has sent his 2 witnesses (Moses/Aaron), (the two to Sodom, see GEN 18:16+) on Nisan 1 (Passover). The orthodox Jews expect the return witness of Elijah on Passover. The real 2 witnesses/& or the Satanic 2 false witnesses may appear around the Passover time. (cf. REV 11:1-3, 7:1-17, 14:1-5, JOEL 2:30-32, & ACTS 2:19-21.) These witnesses and the Illuminati's John the Baptist? position are some of the prominent people who are slated to die in the end time drama being prepared by the Illuminati who are trying to copy scripture, and by God Almighty who is directing things on a higher level. Readers must bear in mind that Satan knows the Scriptures too, and is a great imitator.
1. This is a universal trait of men with the AntiChrist spirit. While Christ is truth, Satan is deception. Having a facade, being two-faced (like the god Janus) is standard for these men. Judas Iscariot with his kisses for Christ is just one example of thousands of examples. James 3:17 shows that the Holy Spirit is without hypocrisy, but the Evil Spirit is devoid of the Holy Spirit s fruit and is full of hypocrisy.
2. The Spirit of Satan desires to rob, kill, and destroy. Satan s desires will consume the thinking of the AntiChrist. The Word of God indicates that whatever the AntiChrist wills to do, he will do according to Dan. 11:36. In this sense, he will be the master magician, the Adept of Adepts. 3. Scripture indicate that he will bring a false peace to the earth, and that he will be a man with fierce countenance.
4. Scripture indicate he will be worshipped, and the power of the media to make heros Out of any actor has been well established.
5. Scriptures indicate he will be considered very intelligent. They also indicate what spheres of influence he will lead, and what roles he will play. Taking these into account, and taking into account what the Illuminati have planned, and taking into account that Satan s world likes to develop certain public images for its heroes, then it is a given that Satan s AntiChrist will appear gifted or well developed intellectually in many areas. While intellectual stature is not important to God, it has always been in Satan s world.
6. Dan. 8:23
7. Scripture, and common knowledge among Satanists is that the AntiChrist will be produced from the seed of Satan and aminated by Satan himself. Lk 22:3 shows that Satan himself entered Judas, how much more so then will the AntiChrist be the embodiment of Satan.
8. The Scripture show that Satan likes to use good things like the Word of God for evil purposes.
9. Illuminati belief is that they are descended in part from the Hittites. 10. Early Christian leader Irenaeus felt that Scriptures and early teachings indicated that the Tribe of Dan would raise the AntiChrist. The Midrash on Gen. 49:14-17 supports his view, and it states that darkness will come over the world from the Tribe of Dan. Other conspiracy researchers like myself have discovered that the Tribe of Dan s lineage is playing a big role in the Illuminati.
11. Isa. 10:5, 12
12. Jeanne Dixon prophecies that he will be descended from Pharaoh. The Illuminati are making coronation plans at the Great Pyramid in 1999. It is quite possible that the AntiChrist may have blood from a Pharaoh, or at least the pseudo-documentation to make people believe it.
13. The Illuminati are already doing this with Lord Maitreya
14. The Word of God shows that he is accepted by the Jews as being the Old Testament messiah.. In order to do that he must have some credentials that look good.
15. Rev.
16. Mt. 24:15
17. The Illuminati have been working hard to keep the AntiChrist s identity a big secret. Cf. Acts 1:7 and Mt. 24:36. God has kept some things secret too. Satan will come like a thief in the night. 2 Ptr 3:10. 18. The Son of Perdition will be revealed --2 Thes 2:3-4 with powers and signs and lying wonders 2 Thes 2:9.
19. He steals ( cuts off ) the worship deserved by Christ for himself. Rev. 13:16, 17, and cf. 2 thes. 2:9. It is clear that the AntiChrist must have credentials that allow himself to be palmed off as a Christ. He will be a genuine imitation Christ.
20. We know he will have an elite generation satanic bloodline because he belongs to the Illuminati, which in itself is the elite bloodlines. He will be the elite of the elite. There are spiritual reasons why Satan needs people from generational satanic families for his leadership. His legal claims over the AntiChrist and his occult powers are increased by the circumstances of being from multi-generational satanic families.
21. This is simply part of being within Satan s kingdom.
22. This is according to the Illuminati s plans, which have been discussed at length with this author by people trying to escape the Illuminati.
23. A common tactic by satanic leaders, there is little doubt that this tactic will also be used by the supreme dictator, the AntiChrist.
24. Satan gives spiritual death, Christ gives life--that is one of the themes of the Bible.
25. Rev. 19:20. Those who take the AntiChrist s mark are thrown into the Lake of Fire.
26. The gates of Hell will not prevail against the church. There will be faith, although it will be as in the days of Noah--it will be a rarity. Various scriptures indicate that Satan will never wipe out the entire church on the earth.
27. Mt. 24:24. He will break the Holy People. Dan 12:6-7
28. A number of scriptures indicate that there will be a falling away- Christ asks, Will there even be faith? This apostate church is Babylon the Great, which is described in Rev. 17- 18. The entire world will worship him. Note how many Christians are united with the ecumenical activities of mainstream Christendom. The majority of churches are now participating in ecumenical activities, even the supposedly conservative evangelicals.
29. Rev. 12:11, Rev. 6:10
30. Scripture call him the Lawless One because he hates God s spiritual laws and will try to destroy the sacrifice of Christ by reinstituting blood sacrifices.
31. This is according to Illuminati plans, and also matches what the previous partial manifestations of the AntiChrist have been like. Hitler was always preaching law and order. This is a common theme by the NWO. Satan is always a great legalist.
32. He will deny the Father and the Son (1 John 2:22) and present to the world the False Trinity described in the book of Revelation. (Rev. 13:1) 33. Cf. Jn. 16:2
34. This has already happened. The Temple rituals have been reinstituted, and even the blood sacrifices are secretly being done underground.
35. This is hinted at in a couple of places in Scripture. It is such a standard satanic trick, that it would be amazing if it were not done. Part of anticipating one s enemies actions is to know their thinking. This would be in line with satanic tactics.
36. Cf. Lk. 21:24. When the Times of the Gentiles ends, Jerusalem is to be restored to being a spiritual center. cf. Dan. 11:45-12:1.
37. This is a conclusion by the author after studying plans of the elite, including UN plans, and other activities and statements by those in the NWO.
38. This is a conclusion by the author after studying plans of the elite. 39. This is speculation on author s part. which takes into consideration what is already going on in secret.
40. Illuminati plans. The Jews have long waited for the Messiah (the New David) to enter Jerusalem through the Golden Gate. This expectation was mentioned to the author when he was in Jerusalem.
41. Dan. 11:37. The Illuminati have been promoting homosexuality because they want people to accept the homosexuality of the AntiChrist. In Dan. 11:37 it indicates that Neither regard.. .the desire of women. 
42. See the Be Wise As Serpents book. Chapt. 1.4
43. John 2:18 and I John 4:3
44. Two different ex-Satanists have independently provided information on Al Gore s addiction to blood. Illuminati kingpins are often addicted to the Adrenalchrome that pools in the body just prior to a person being sacrificed. Various newsletters give more information on this and related issues.
45. Mt. 24:4,5,11; 2 Thes. 2:10-12 Because they received not the love of the truth... 
46. Dan. 11:32
47. Rev. 13:3,4, 7, 8,17
48. This entire paragraph comes from various Illuminati Mind-controlled slaves who were in important positions around the AntiChrist, who have been deprogrammed.
49. This information comes from half a dozen top important Illuminati mind-controlled slaves who are in the process of being deprogrammed. 

Friday, May 13, 2011

Wizard of Oz Programming

Frank L. Baum, the author of the Oz series, was an occultist and a member of the Theosophical Society. The books are full of occult symbology. Click here for an excerpt of Fritz Springmeier's and Cisco Wheeler's book, "Total Mind Controlled Slave". It goes over the occult meanings of the symbology and how they are used to program mind control victims. As a side note: Disney films and fairy tales are used to program too. Walt Disney was very much into the occult. This is an excellent read on him. Click here for additional info on Disney.

Here is a video on the Wizard of Oz and the Illuminati:
Now, look at a couple of commercials using this theme:
Notice the pentagrams. "If I only had a brain" refers to the fact that a victim doesn't think for themselves. They are completely controlled by the programmer/handler.

Now, in this commercial, they click their heels, just as Dorothy does in the books/film. This is a call-back trigger. 

Cathy O'Brien also talks about this programming in her book, "Trance-formation of America".

You will see victims wearing red shoes, rainbows (sometimes just rainbow colors), and be photographed with dogs/Toto.

Dorothy is looking for a place where there is no trouble which is a place “over the rainbow.” To escape pain, alters go over the rainbow. (This is a.k.a. in Alice In Wonderland Programming as “going through the looking glass”. Judy Garland, she was an MK slave and the first to sing the ''over the rainbow'' song. holding a mirror (looking glass).
another example how the symbolism fits the research.
Over the rainbow in Oz is for the Monarch slave to be in a trance, and into a certain area of the programming. To be fluctuating at both ends as an observer and not a participant or to go to the other extreme and become a participant. The theme song of the movie goes, “Somewhere over the Rainbow...there’s a land where the dreams that you dare to dream really come true.” These lyrics are a method to hypnotically confuse the brain to perceive that the “over the Rainbow experience” (which is usually horrible abuse) is a “dream”. The dissociative mind is only too happy to call the trauma a dream, which is lived as a reality for a moment, but is nevertheless recorded by the mind as a fantasy. The term for this is cryptoamnesia, which means the process where the proper functioning of memory is hypnotically messed up. The slave’s internal world becomes “reality” and the external real world becomes the Land of Oz which is perceived as make-believe. Source.

Celebrity designers get in on it too. Wizard of Oz poppies collection by Tarina Tarantino:

Monday, May 2, 2011

Osama bin Laden Is Dead....and Has Been For A Long Time

Back in 2009, Daily Mail UK wrote an article that he had been dead for seven years. Read it here.

The war on terror is a FRAUD, and was planned to be a never-ending war to bring in the New World Order.
The media wouldn't lie to you, right? WRONG! Watch the following video of CNN.....
Bin Laden, CIA asset:

Check out Vigilant Citizen's article on the occult connection to Bin Laden's "death".