Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Colors, Metals, & Jewel Programming

Here is great info from Svali, an ex-Illuminati member. When looking at pictures of celebrities or models, etc, watch for these colors, jewels, and metals.

The Illuminati:
How the Cult Programs People
by: Svali
Chapter Five: Colors, Metals and Jewel Programming
Color coding
One form of programming that is quite common in the Illuminati is color programming. Why is it done? The answer is that trainers are human, and also quite lazy. Color programming is a simple way to organize systems, and allows the trainer to call up alters easily within a system. With the thousands of fragments that many multiples in the cult have, colors is a way of organizing them into an easily accessible group.
Also, young children recognize colors before they can read, so this training can occur quite early. It is begun at about age two in most children.
How it is done:
They then ask the child if they want to be "blue", like the trainers. If the child says yes, they will continue on. If the child says no, it will be re-traumatized until it says yes. The child is often naked, and told it cannot wear clothing until it "earns" the right to wear beautiful blue clothing. Over and over the "safety of being blue" (ie freedom from harm) and danger of not having a color is emphasized. The children really wants to be blue after a while of going through this. They may be given blue candy as a reward for choosing to become the color. They may be given blue sunglasses or tinted lenses to wear. They are allowed to wear blue robes once they identify with the color chosen for them.
Once the child completely identifies with the color (or rather, the main alter or template for the system accepts this color), then they are taught in progressive stages, over many training sessions, what the color blue means. They are in set ups, or dramas with other blue children, where they act out the role of a "blue". They are drugged, hypnotized, traumatized, while the meaning of blue is ground in over and over. They are forced to act in "blue" ways. Different trainers and regions will assign different meanings to different colors. Many military systems are coded blue, or protective. The military alters all are called up periodically to reinforce blue training. If the trainer at a later date wants to access a blue system, they may call them up by color, or wear a piece of clothing or a scarf in the color they want to reach.
This becomes an unconscious trigger for this color to come forward. Color coding is one of the first methods that is inlayed over systems. An entire system may be color coded one color; or two or more colors may be coded in , with each system controller (most systems have three) being given a different color over its part of the system.
Metals programming:
Metals programming is a type of programming that many Illuminati children are given. Because it is so similar to jewels programming, I will discuss how it is done under jewels. Metals can be from bronze (lowest) to platinum (highest).
Jewels programming:
Many Illuminati children will go through either metals or jewels programming, and occasionally will go through both. Jewels is considered higher than metals, and more difficult to obtain. Which is put in and when, is dependent on the child's status, its parents status, the region it is born in, the group it is born into, and the trainers that work with it.
Basically, either metals or jewels is a form of reward based programming.
Here is how it works:
The child is then told that in order to become a jewel, they must "earn the right". This involves: a.) passing through steps of discipline (see chapter three) b.) passing "special tests" c.) being rewarded for special achievement
Becoming a jewel (or precious metal) is dangled before the small child, like a carrot, as the reward for doing well in training sessions. The earning of one is linked to going through the rungs of the long, arduous training process expected of Illuminati children; having a jewel or metal involves stepping up in status and being praised. But the price is enduring hours of abuse called "training" but in reality is organized, systemic abuse to make the child do what the trainer wants them to become.
Over time, with the help of drugs, hypnosis, shock, and other trauma, as the child goes through it's training process, it will begin earning its jewels and/or metals, one by one. These will become full alters inside.
Amethyst is usually the first one earned, and is linked to keeping secrets, never telling, and passing the first step of discipline. Each step is linked to receiving either a jewel or precious metal.
Ruby will often be next, and is linked to sexual abuse and sexual alters inside. As the child is repeatedly sexually traumatized and survives, or creates sexual alters to please adults, they are "rewarded" by being allowed to become a ruby.
Emerald will often come later (ages 12 to 15). This is considered very precious, and is linked to family loyalty, witchcraft, and spiritual achievement. Emeralds will often have a black cat, or "familiar" linked to them.
Diamond is the highest gemstone, and not all children will earn it. It is considered a high achievement. and may not be earned until adulthood, after passing rigorous tasks. It will be the controlling alter in a gemstone system. A diamond has passed all twelve steps of discipline, plus passed unusual tests and will have highest family loyalty.
"Family jewels" are often passed down internally during training sessions with trainers and family members. All high Illuminati families will have jewels hidden in secret vaults (real, outside jewels) which have been passed down for generations.
The children will often be given jewelry to wear in the daytime, as a reminder or reward, once they pass their programming. A child may be given a ruby ring or garnet pin to wear; in fact, a grandparent or parent may insist the child wear it. On ritual occasions, the child will be allowed to wear jewelry from the family's vault, once they reach a certain status. They may be allowed to wear a ruby pendant or emerald bracelet during high rituals, and will be quite proud of the fact, since the cult is first, foremost and always an extremely status conscious group. The children pick up on this, and the adults will make a big fuss over the children who have earned the right to wear jewels. This gives them a huge incentive to earn them.
Suggestions that may help with these forms of programming :
Color programming:
Jewel programming and metals may be more complex, since the child's sense of special ness, pride and status may be bound up in these alters. Rubies, emeralds and diamonds are considered "high alters" inside and are used to leadership roles, both internally and externally. Acknowledging their importance to the system; listening to them grieve at leaving the cult, which meant giving up their status externally, and giving them new positions inside that are important can help. They can become system leaders in helping the person stay safe, once they make the decision to leave the cult, and become strong allies. But they will often be among the most resistant, and even hostile, to the idea of leaving the cult at first, since they have only known and remembered being rewarded for jobs well done, and have learned to "pass down" the traumas to "lower parts" inside. They will often honestly not believe they have been abused, and will only remember being petted or allowed to lead, or being told they were special, valued. Listening to how they feel; acknowledging that leaving means giving up things that were important to them, finding out what needs motivated them, and trying to find healthy outlets for them to get their needs met outside of cult meetings will help. Letting a jewel have leadership within, or chair internal meetings may make up for loss of external leadership when the survivor leaves the cult.
Acknowledging their importance to the survivor is also important. Recognize that these parts are EXTREMELY dissociated from their own abuse/trauma, and are in no hurry to remember. But both the survivor and a good therapist can bring reality gently to them, as they let them know that they were abused; that they are actually part of the "lower emotional parts" who were abused, and will eventually need to acknowledge this. This task takes time and good outside support to accomplish. Allow them to vent their feelings. They will often be highly cognitive at first, but feelings will come, especially grieving, then pain at having been deceived by the cult, then the anguish of realizing that the abuse they passed down to others inside was actually happening to them. They may become quite depressed at this stage, but will also lend tremendous stability and strength to the system, in staying safe and cult free, once they have reached this stage.
These are some thoughts on color, metals, and jewel programming. Other types of programming will be addressed in the next chapter.

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